
Urological Associations

American Urological Association
The American Urological Association (AUA), founded in 1902, is the premier professional association for the advancement of urologic patient care, and works to ensure that its more than 16,000 members are current on the latest research and practices in urology. The AUA also pursues its mission of fostering the highest standards of urologic care by providing a wide range of services—including publications, research, the Annual Meeting, continuing medical education (CME) and the formulation of health policy.

National Association for Continence
National Association For Continence is a national, private, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to improving the quality of life of people with incontinence, voiding dysfunction, and related pelvic floor disorders. NAFC’s purpose is to be the leading source for public education and advocacy about the causes, prevention, diagnosis, treatments, and management alternatives for incontinence.

Society of Urologic Nurses and Associates
The Society of Urologic Nurses and Associates is a national, non-profit professional membership association with over 3,000 members and annual revenues of $1.5 million. SUNA derives its income from membership dues (only $75), conference registration fees, exhibits, advertising, grants, and the sale of educational products.

Are you getting the best catheters for your insurance dollar?
PCG Medical, LLC – Blog
By: Micheline Stephens, PT

Clinical Practice Guidelines:  Care of the patient with an indwelling catheter
Urological Nursing, 2006
By: Victor Senese, RN, CURN, Chairperson; Mary Beth Hendricks, RN, CUNP; Melissa Morrison, RN; Janelle Harris, MSN, RN, GNP; for the Clinical Practice Guidelines Task Force

Preventing Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections
Nursing Perspectives, 2009
By: Laura A. Stokowski, RN, MS